May 10 - 12, 2024

Registration opens April 24 and closes May 8

Friday PM - May 10 ||  7-9pm Pacific10pm-12am Eastern
How to Work with Pain

Leader: Shinzen Young
Type of Program: Special Offering
Prerequisites: Some familiarity with the See, Hear, Feel Family of techniques (Just See, Just Hear, Just Feel, SHF)
Fee: $10 per person 

In order to work meditatively with pain, it is absolutely essential to be clear about two things: the ultimate goal of such work and the specific sensory categories involved.

The goal is twofold:

  • Reducing the perception of suffering due to pain.

  • Discovering the “taste of purification” within pain.

This goal can be achieved by bringing a critical mass of clarity and equanimity to pain and pain-related phenomena.

Clarity initially involves keeping track of sensory categories. At a deeper level, clarity becomes a kind of intense and continuous self-knowing, a knowing that seeps into and through the crevices of each sensory strand, dissolving its somethingness…a knowing in the Biblical sense.

Equanimity means maintaining an attitude of gentle matter-of-factness. Equanimity sounds like a “mental thing”, but at the deepest level it becomes a habit within all sensory circuits - visual, auditory or somatic. Equanimity is to the flow of sensation in the body as conductance is to the flow of electricity in a wire.

In this session, using unified mindfulness techniques, these formulas will become more understandable:

  • Suffering = Pain x Resistance

  • Taste of Purification = Pain x Equanimity 

In preparation for this program, please:

Saturday AM - May 11  ||  8am-12pm Pacific / 11am-3pm Eastern

Leader: Shinzen Young 
Type of Program: Special Theme
Prerequisites: Some familiarity with the See, Hear, Feel family of techniques (Just See, Just Hear, Just Feel, SHF)
Fee: $20 per person

In this program, we’ll explore a fundamental meditation strategy that has been discovered and re-discovered many times, and in many cultures – how to turn awareness back on itself to find the true Witness, i.e. pure consciousness.   The techniques you’ll learn here represent Shinzen’s re-working of traditional practices such as those associated with Advaita and certain forms of Zen. You’ll learn how to turn attention back 180 degrees to question who sees, who hears, who feels.

In preparation for this program please:

Saturday PM - May 11 ||  1-5pm Pacific / 4-8pm Eastern
Bounce Blast: Working with the Auto Family

Leader: Shinzen Young 
Type of Program: Drill
Prerequisites: A good familiarity with all four of the Expressiveness techniques -- Auto Think, Auto Speak, Auto Move, and Auto Focus (aka Do Nothing).
Fee: $20 per person 

This program is for people who are quite familiar with the theme of Auto, also known as expressiveness or bounce. It will be a deep dive into the dynamic side of emptiness.

In preparation for this program, please:

Sunday AM - May 12  ||  5-9am Pacific / 8am-12pm Eastern
Going Deeper into Equanimity

Leader: Shinzen Young 
Type of Program: Special Offering
Prerequisites: ome familiarity with the Unified Mindfulness system.
Fee: $20 per person

In this program, Shinzen will introduce some special exercises designed to clarify and deepen the equanimity skill. He'll also present a big picture map with equanimity at the center connecting the domains of science, spirituality, the humanities, and public discourse.

In preparation for this program, please:

Sunday PM - May 12  ||  10am-2pm Pacific / 1-5pm Eastern
Feel Great!

Leader: Shinzen Young 
Type of Program: Special Offering
Prerequisites: Previous experience with the following: Feel Rest, Auto Move, Feel Good and Feel Flow.
Fee: $20 per person

In this program, we’ll explore the interplay of four techniques that tend to create immediate pleasure rewards in your body experience:

  • Feel Rest – Find and/or create somatic tranquility.

  • Feel Bounce (aka, Auto Move) – Tune into spontaneity as you walk, move, dance,

  • Feel Good (aka Nurture Positive Body Emotion) - Create and hold pleasant emotional sensations in the body.

  • Feel Flow – Tune into any and all experience of impermanence in the body: undulations, vibrations, arisings & passings, expansion & contraction.

In preparation for this program, please: