Chris Trani
Bringing practice to life – figuratively and literally. That describes Chris Trani’s primary motivation for and outcome of her mindfulness practice. It is also what guides her when given the privilege of serving others as a mindfulness resource and mentor.
Chris began meditating over 30 years ago and, after many years of intermittent practice, finally realized that she simply felt better and her life worked better when she committed to regular practice! She was introduced to Shinzen’s work in 2006 when a friend gave her the Science of Enlightenment audio program right before she was to undergo a very major surgery. Chris applied many of Shinzen’s techniques to manage her physical post-operative pain as well as the emotions that were triggered by her situation and, based on that experience, she was deeply drawn to learn more.
Since learning about the Home Practice Program in 2008, it is rare that she misses the opportunity to participate in these monthly programs which serve as a cornerstone of her development as a practitioner and as a mentor for others.
Chris’ coaching, facilitation and teaching philosophy, style and skill is described by others as clear, practical and encouraging. She draws extensively from her professional experience as an oncology nurse, a manager, a counselor, a management & leadership development consultant, a corporate leadership and communication coach and, most recently, as an independent consultant, coach and group facilitator.
In addition to studying with Shinzen, in 2004 Chris completed 6 months of training with Tibetan teacher, Reginald Ray, called Meditating with the Body. She also completed a 12 month class, Dismantling the Ego, as well as numerous other classes with Zen teacher, Cheri Huber.
Chris has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and an undergraduate degree in Nursing (RN) from Colorado State University.
Chris currently lives near Portland, Oregon. For more about her and her work, please visit