Julianna Raye
Julianna Raye has had a daily sitting practice for 14 years. For the past 12 years, she has attended intensive week-long and two-week-long silent retreats 4 times yearly, with either Shinzen Young or Kyozan Joshu Sasaki. For 9 years, she has facilitated Shinzen Young’s students, helping them improve their practice. Her emphasis as a Personal Meditation Trainer is to collaborate with her clients to tailor make an evolving practice ideally suited to their interests and needs.
As a professional singer/songwriter and performer, Julianna is devoted to integrating meditative awareness into her preparation and performances. Her goal is to imbue those activities from which she derives her greatest sense of purpose with the effects of her practice. In the Zen tradition, there is an entire path (The Art of No) tying live performance with spiritual practice, the height of which is known as "Achieving the Flower." In Julianna’s own words "Whether publicly or privately, my hope is to encourage in others the singular experience, known as the "mystical experience" which is surprisingly available in our everyday lives and which has brought me so much satisfaction, healing and relief in my own life."
Julianna feels profoundly fortunate to have encountered her teachers and is happy to be of service to others on the path.
For more about Julianna and her work, visit Julianna Raye - unifiedmindfulness.com.